Jacopo Urbani
I am an associate professor in Computer
Science at the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
(VUA). My research focuses on how to extract new (and interesting)
knowledge from large datasets which are primarily available on the Web. If
you are interested, please check out my publication list on Google Scholar or DBLP to have a better idea of my research area.
I received a number of awards for my research. A few papers that I co-authored have received either a honorable mention or a best paper award at top conferences. In 2010, my work on forward inference with MapReduce has won the IEEE SCALE challenge. In 2012, the Network Institute awarded me the prize “Most Promising Young Researcher Award”. In 2013, my PhD was awarded with the qualification cum laude, which was given only to 5% of the theses in our department. In 2014, my PhD work received an honourable mention as best PhD thesis in Computer Science in the country. The award was given by the Christiaan Huygens society, after a selection performed by KNAW (Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences).
Latest news
Back at the VU after a one-year sabbatical at Fondazione Bruno Kessler (FBK), in Trento, Italy
I had the privilege of visiting Luciano Serafini's group (https://dkm.fbk.eu/), which does fascinating research on neuro-symbolic AI and planning.New paper in the journal ''Transactions on Graph Data and Knowledge (TGDK)'' on grounding stream reasoning research
For more information, see here.
Hosted the sixth edition of the Stream Reasoning Workshop
The Stream Reasoning Workshop is an international yearly event where scientists from different communities gather together to discuss problems around the processing of data streams. I co-chaired the 2022 edition, hosted in Amsterdam.For more information, see here.
Appointed as the new program director of the bachelor of Computer Science.
The bachelor program is the largest in our department, welcoming 500+ new students every year. As program director, my role is to oversee all educational activities (courses, etc.) in the program, to ensure the quality of the education.New paper at SIGMOD 2023 on performing scalable probabilistic reasoning using Trigger Graphs. This work was done in collaboration with Samsung AI (Cambridge, UK).
New paper at KR 2022 on performing rule-based reasoning with existential rules on data streams. This work was done in collaboration with Markus Krötzsch (TU Dresden) and Thomas Eiter (TU Wien).
New paper at ESWC 2022 on fact classification with Knowledge Graph embeddings and enseble-based learning
New paper at EMNLP 2021 on robust stance classification with BERT-based inconsistency detection
For more information, see here.